From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks

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SMS phishing: A text-based attack

SMS phishing: A text-based attack

- [Instructor] What is smishing? Besides being a fun word to say, smishing or SMS phishing is phishing that occurs through text message. You may or may not have heard of smishing before, and that is because the most targeted people are journalists, activists, and other nation state targets. But seeing that this course is to create awareness on potential ways an attacker can use phishing against you, I figured we could go down this shallow rabbit hole a bit. So what does phishing look like? Like other phishing attacks, phishing attacks can try to entice you into clicking on a link or downloading something onto your device. I, like a lot of people get a lot of emails. Sometimes I miss one. So for super important things, I like to turn on text notifications if possible. It's not uncommon for me to receive a text message. letting me know a package is on the way or a payment has been processed. As you could…
