From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

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How to protect your name

How to protect your name

- [Instructor] We will talk about some techniques to protect your name in this video. Remember, if they can't find your name and link it to other information, it's much harder to find additional details about you, because your name is the index for everything. The first tip is to use an alias when signing up for online accounts. Instead of using your full name, use an alias or use your initials. Never use your full name unless it is legally required for that online account. The reason why is that, because every time your real name is used when signing up for an account, you're creating a database record with your name, your email, your phone number, and other personal information about you. And if you've used a secondary email address and a secondary phone number, you don't want to tie those things to your name if you don't have to. Using an alias is all about reducing the places that your name shows up in online databases. And the fewer databases that your name shows up in, the…
