From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

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How to protect your phone number

How to protect your phone number

- [Narrator] Your phone number is another important piece of information that should be considered one of your crown jewels. Your phone number is how you text, call and communicate. It's also how you likely get SMS two factor authentication when you log into accounts. Your phone number is how you get phished, smished, and spammed and every time you give up your phone number on a website or for signing up for a new service, you're creating a record that can be bought and sold for marketing purposes or could be hacked and found by bad actors on the dark web. Remember, if they can't find your phone number, they can't hack it, they can't harass you, they can't call you and they can't use it to extort you or pretend to be a family member in trouble. Because your phone number is used for SMS authentication, it is very valuable for bad actors. When you log into a place like a bank, you'll likely get a text message with a six digit code that you then have to enter back into the website before…
