From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

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Learn the key components of identity to keep private

Learn the key components of identity to keep private

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

Learn the key components of identity to keep private

- [Instructor] Let's get into digital identity. Your identity are the things that can be used to identify the who, the what, the where of who you are. This is everything from your name to your usernames to where you live, your family members, and even things like what your house looks like. In this video, we will break down the different components of identity. As we do, think about which of these components are the most important to you, your crown jewels. I will give you insight into how I think about it, but your crown jewels are personal to you, and it's okay to be different. The most important thing is to pick the crown jewels that you care the most about because you believe that, if a bad actor were to get access to them, they could do the most harm to you. The major components of your identity are your name, your first name, and your last name, your unique identifiers, like your usernames, social security number, or national ID number, your date of birth, even your DNA, your…
