From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

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Minimizing your digital footprint

Minimizing your digital footprint

- Think back to the earlier section, where we talked about the different ways your information is used to cause harm. Did anything resonate with you? Were you surprised about how many tools are out there? And think back to the searches that we did. When you Googled yourself, how much information showed up about you? Is your social media easy to find? Is your property showing up in public records? Are you on people search websites? The more your information is out there, the easier it is to find. If I want to target you as a bad actor, the first thing I'm going to do is look for your information using open-source intelligence tactics, and then I'm going to use that information to start targeting you, your accounts, your family, or something else, in order to cause you harm for my benefit. The way I think about this is that the internet is a huge database, and there are hundreds if not thousands of records that are tied to your name, your email, your phone number, and your other…
