From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Building connection and fostering belonging

Building connection and fostering belonging

From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

Building connection and fostering belonging

- When employees feel disconnected, it impacts them personally and professionally. Specifically, Betterup research showed that employees who feel connected at work perform 92% better than colleagues who don't. The problem is real. In that Betterup study, 43% of employees said they don't feel connected at work. Driving connection and fostering belonging aren't just nice to haves. They're a must in order for you to support your team and their work. This video provides three ways to increase feelings of connection and belonging. First, when you're meeting with your team, focus on them as individuals before jumping into work. It can be as simple as saying, "How are you doing?" and having employees share as they feel comfortable before beginning the work topics on the agenda. When you send communications to employees, use their name and explain why you're reaching out. That sounds far more welcoming than a "call me"…
