From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Coaching employees effectively

Coaching employees effectively

- In earlier videos, I talked about one-on-ones, team meetings, and ongoing feedback. But coaching employees effectively is more than just letting individuals know how they're doing day to day. It includes three steps. First, providing them clarity into what's expected of them. Second, helping troubleshoot challenges, and third, preparing them to learn new skills. Your job is to make their job easier. Providing clarity into what's expected of employee means making sure they know key information for each of their tasks. This can be integrated into your one-on-ones, and it can be a habit that you discuss these every time you delegate to your employees. For every task, employees should always know the timeline, the output, whether it's a quick answer, memo, or presentation, others involved, how it fits in with their other work. For new assignments, have the employee repeat back to you what's expected. You can say, "To make…
