From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Creating a sense of stability for your team

Creating a sense of stability for your team

From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

Creating a sense of stability for your team

- In a prior video, I talked about how change is inevitable at work and strategies to be transparent about change. But even when you're transparent, change can feel stressful for you and the individuals on your team. In this video, I'll talk about why stability matters in three tips on how you can impact your employee stability, even in the midst of change. Gallup research shows that when organizations create stability, their attrition rates, or when an employee chooses to leave an organization, can drop to below 5%. Stop now and think about a time when you've gone through change at work and how it negatively impacted your mindset. What was going on? How did you feel and how did you manage that? And what support would you would've wanted from your leadership? I want you to pause this video and spend one minute journaling on those questions now. (upbeat music) Those feelings you felt and the support you wished for are…
