From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Developing employees when budgets are tight

Developing employees when budgets are tight

From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

Developing employees when budgets are tight

- Do you wish you had an unlimited budget to spend on employee development? Most managers would love that, but not many do. So what can you do if your organization doesn't have a budget? First, research what you already have access to internally. If you're currently using LinkedIn Learning through your organization, then you can find courses applicable to every member of your team, from public speaking to project management to technical skills. Check with your HR or learning and development team, if you have one, to find out what else you already have access to, and if you don't have anything, you should always ask for budget. That takes some effort, including researching different options and the return on investment. The key is to show your leadership how investing in employee development will benefit employees and the business. If you're on that path, talk to other managers to understand if they have requested…
