From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Giving ongoing feedback to employees

Giving ongoing feedback to employees

- Do you think about when to give employees feedback? If something comes up between one-on-one meetings, do you wait until the next one-on-one to discuss it, or do you reach out now because it's on your mind? To make feedback effective, don't just think about what to say, but when to say it. This timing matters, both to you and your employees. Here's how you can determine if now is the right time for feedback. If it's about fixing a process, an external deadline, or if an employee is upset about something, address it in detail as soon as possible. If it's something else, it's possible it can wait. But even then, briefly raise it, so the employee is aware now and knows it will be discussed in detail in their next one-on-one. For example, if an employee gave a presentation with wordy slides, tell them shortly after the meeting, in our next one-on-one, let's discuss how you could shorten your slides and I can share some example…
