From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Hybrid working

Hybrid working

- Managing employees on one schedule can be challenging. So how do you do it in a hybrid environment? First, set clear expectations with your team. This means scheduling including meetings that your team members are expected to attend, when they're expected to be available, and response times for internal and external communications. Besides scheduling, set expectations on other aspects your team needs to know, from cameras on and off to participating in meetings, and ensuring they're actively listening, like I talked about in a prior video. Proactively explain the why behind these, that you're balancing flexibility with getting work done and collaborating as a team. Second, have clear tools for your team to collaborate. Just like you schedule one-on-ones with your team members, encourage your teams to have regular communication with each other, and establish norms for in-person and remote communication. For example, when…
