From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Making one-on-one employee meetings count

Making one-on-one employee meetings count

- "One-on-one meetings are pointless. I don't even know why we have them." I hear this all the time from employees, but one-on-ones are actually incredibly valuable, when done right. The first step is to have regular one-on-one meetings. What meetings look like can vary. In some corporate environments, that might mean 30 minutes every week. In on-your-feet environments, it may mean just a few minutes at the beginning of a shift. Whatever it looks like, having that uninterrupted time is critical to your employee success, which means your success, because if you don't, the employee has questions that go unanswered, ideas that go unshared, and a feeling that you don't care about them, leading your best employees to look for a workplace that does. But what if you're so busy? You get pulled into manager calls that run over, or constant fire drills. I've got you. Stop and write down these words to prioritize your…
