From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Managing burnout

Managing burnout

- Have you ever felt burned out? The World Health Organization defines burnout as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Did you catch a critical phrase in that definition? Stress that has not been successfully managed. In this video, I'll talk about what you can do as a manager to successfully care for yourself and your employees. When you as a manager are burned out, it can quickly impact your health and put you in this debacle. You need time off, but you're afraid to take it because you feel like you can't let others down. And realistically, as a manager, you're responsible for the performance of your team, so you don't take the time you need for yourself, and the cycle continues. But if you can't perform yourself, your team can't either. Whether you're feeling burned out or not, I want you to put each of the next four strategies into action this week. Delegate…
