From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Supporting employees in difficult times

Supporting employees in difficult times

- Even as technology evolves how we work, the actual work is still done by people, and people have very real things that happen in their lives, including difficult times. Difficult times can meet in all sorts of challenges. It can involve the employee's health or their family member, or even an emergency with their car or house. Those moments can be stressful for employees, and even more so if they're afraid of consequences at their job. Let's talk about three steps you can take to support employees while still meeting business needs. First, don't just expect the unexpected, prepare for it. For projects, add cushion to deadlines, so any team member's emergencies don't derail the entire timeline. For in-person training or events, plan for enough supporting staff that if one person can't attend, you won't be understaffed. Second, be mindful of your reaction. When someone is going through a challenge, they're likely…
