From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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"They're just not working out"

"They're just not working out"

- They're just not working out. When managers say these words, they often want to immediately terminate employment of someone on their team, but that's not necessarily the right next step. In this video, I'll explain why and how you can address performance challenges with your team. If you have an employee who's not performing, especially pay attention to this video, because at the end of this video, I have a recommendation for your next one-on-one. First, why should we invest in underperforming employees? Because employees are walking billboards. They send a message about your organization and your leadership. This message is heard by others in and out of work, including their friends and families. And by taking the right steps and communicating clearly with them, you can influence what message they send, even after their employment ends. Plus, you'll feel better in the end, if you do need to make a difficult…
