From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Working globally

Working globally

- When I worked in Australia for a U.S. company, I learned how hard it was to keep track of time zones, and I wasn't alone. Research shows that where employees are located geographically can impact perceptions of power at work. Those living close to headquarters may have their voices heard louder, while those further away feel inferior, and that's just one challenge that comes with managing global teams. In this video, I'll talk about three common challenges of managing global teams, and give you tips for mastering them all. First, let's get back to time zones. When I was in Australia, colleagues would apologize for calling so late, until I told them it was actually 10:30 AM my time. It sounds silly, but it really is easy to forget who's ahead of who. So encourage your teams to open and leave open a browser tab with a world clock. Also, while odd hours can occur, don't make one group bear the burden for all…
