From the course: Design Foundations: Physical Materials

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Finding inspiration from nature

Finding inspiration from nature

- Another important tool to consider when you're looking at materials, is to look into bioinspiration, or biomimicry. The tool of bioinspiration is when we look at nature and see what nature has done that inspires us in design. When we look at biomimicry, biomimicry actually looks at what nature did and we actually measure what nature did, and then apply that to the product or the design. One of the attributes that we'll look at mostly are its physical properties. In the physical properties, we'll talk about things like color. How does nature make color? Or, how does nature make a certain color? You might look at, say, the butterfly wing. The butterfly wing... it's very bright, it's brilliant, and it looks great in the sun. It was a great inspiration on some other products that we've seen released in some display technology, where you can actually see the display in direct sunlight by studying the butterfly wing. The way it looks is that, when you put a butterfly wing under the…
