From the course: Design Foundations: Physical Materials

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Practical application of automotive design

Practical application of automotive design

From the course: Design Foundations: Physical Materials

Practical application of automotive design

- We're at Nissan Design America in San Diego and I'm here again with Brenda Parkins. Nissan was kind enough to loan us this Nissan Maxima to show exactly how we're going to see how these apply. So Brenda, maybe you could kind of take us through a couple of these examples. - The purpose of a master is to make sure that you hold the same quality throughout the production life cycle because you're making massive amounts of quantities of materials from start to finish. You know, there's different dialogues, there's different timing that the materials are being manufactured, so we create these masters to just cross-check, to make sure that everything is continually matched throughout the car. - So, with this one, you also had another sample here. The same, you just kind of cross-match, cross-reference, you bend it, you-- - Right, there's features a little bit different, I mean, depending on the material that you're looking at. Like this is a textile, but, for instance, like a paint, you…
