From the course: Design Foundations: Physical Materials

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Reviewing options for custom material

Reviewing options for custom material

- We're at Architectural Materials in San Diego. And we're with Greg Romine. And then Greg's going to give us a breakdown of some of the samples that they have here. Now, Architectural Materials has a product line called Tactile, and it covers everything from glass to metals to composites and earthens. And you can see around us that we have hundreds of samples. We're going to give you just a few of these areas to sample. So, thanks again, Greg. - Yeah, you're welcome. - Can I start with this one? - Sure. - This one's beautiful. I want to hear the story behind this guy. Hopefully you guys can catch the detail out of that one. Is that okay? Can you see the detail? So, Greg, tell us how this guy came out. - So, the architect wanted a very natural, organic looking material for the exterior of a building. So we researched sustainable materials, and this happens to be sal wood from India. It's a renewable... It's a forested product that renews itself rather quickly. It's not as fast as…
