From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Add intelligence to your concepts

Add intelligence to your concepts

- Okay, so you have everything recorded, including digital versions of your observations, hypotheses, and insights. Now how can you include data intelligence in your ideation and concept development? In the room, you will be ideating and creating concepts. Write these four questions in a prominent place. Do you nee to provide more clarity? Do you need to provide or save more time? Do you need to better frame customer challenges or organizational goals? Do you need to provide more or proactive guidance? If these sound familiar, they are questions derived from the four design intelligence enablers, humanize, expedite, transform, and discover. As you create your early ideas, all those initial seed ideas that contribute to your selected concepts, use these techniques to leverage data intelligence. The first is the pivot. After you come up with a concept, or after someone else shares theirs out, ask yourself if it is solving any of those four questions. If it does, take each one it answers…
