From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Design intelligence best practices

Design intelligence best practices

- We have many design methodologies and frameworks we've developed. From designing forums to techniques that reduce the cognitive load on a person, in Design, we don't have a shortcoming when it comes to best practices for just about anything. Except for data intelligence. Do a quick Google search on data science or data design, and you will mostly see database, data structure, data visualization, and voice interaction best practices. There are a few gems here and there though. So check out the course links and book recommendations. But when you sit down with your team to create, and you'd like to leverage data intelligence, where do you start? We really need a framework that connects the needs of the people we're designing for to the valuable data intelligence we have. Here's a framework to use during ideation and concept creation, when you'd like to consider how using data intelligence may create even better solutions. Instead of getting wrapped up in the details and specifics with…
