From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Design research and data intelligence

Design research and data intelligence

From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

Design research and data intelligence

- Okay, you and your design team are about to hit the field for research that will include observations from customers framed by those you've made by interviewing stakeholders. You've also been blessed with a data scientist to offer some new perspectives on your customers, product, and business. How do you incorporate that data intelligence into your insights and ideas? How do you transform these perhaps disparate data points into a concept that you can rally around? To help transform those ideas, create something that serves as the singular source of truth, that way the data intelligence you have becomes part of what feeds into your ideas. When you succeed at this you'll find that more will become the hero of a concept. Another great value of doing this is that you can demonstrate an evidence based guess. That's right, it means just what it sounds like, you have data that serves as evidence for your design hypothesis. In a nutshell, if you have a hunch or even an observation, there…
