From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Framing with data intelligence

Framing with data intelligence

- Solving problems through design has developed into many methodologies over the last several decades. One of the most prominent methodologies is design thinking. Design thinking is a method for practical, creative resolution of problems. It can be used to solve just about any kind of problem. It's a form of solution-based thinking with the intent of producing a constructive, future result. Often, it's human-centered, meaning it focuses on who it will be providing the solution for. A key to this creative problem-solving is framing. Framing simply means accurately identifying the challenge and who needs your help. By identifying the problem, we can focus our ideation only on the most important needs of the people using our product. Data intelligence is a fairly new input to design. Often it comes from more of a science methodology, and it starts with a hypothesis. One thing to note, it can be helpful in many situations to treat data intelligence like an organizational specialty or…
