From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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How to avoid data paralysis

How to avoid data paralysis

- The digitization of our world has brought with it the ability to track nearly every action of our customers. This has provided us with more feedback and data than ever. Have you ever sought feedback on a solution you and your team were working on? You likely did in hopes that it would help you evolve or validate it. We often find that the most valuable feedback is able to provide us with clear direction. But what happens if we receive so much feedback that there are many points of view? What if they are at conflict with one another? It can be downright overwhelming. It's because we have too many directions or so much feedback that it actually makes it less clear. In contrast, if we receive only one form of input, we often feel like we haven't received enough feedback to derive a sense of direction. Today, it can be easy to look at the data we collect, such as A/B testing, being the only or most important form of feedback. It's become easy, so sometimes we don't scrutinize it or seek…
