From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Intelligence will transform designers

Intelligence will transform designers

From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

Intelligence will transform designers

- Many people are once again concerned about machines taking their jobs. And for many designers it's now their time to worry. This stems from a variety of recent machine-learning techniques that automate some of what used to be decisions made by human designers. We've seen this especially within marketing and advertising, due to several recent innovations that customize the ads and target who receives them using artificial intelligence. In addition to this, big companies, such as Google, are experimenting with computer-generated art. So it's not surprising that many people have jumped to the conclusion that it won't be long until computers can develop designs for ads and products. At the same time, Harvard and many other prestigious institutions are encouraging several vocations that in the past weren't associated with needing specialized design skills to do just that. In fact, in a recent Harvard Business article, the number four recommendation for managers was to work like a…
