From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Partners in design intelligence

Partners in design intelligence

- So you'd like to design intelligent things, huh? Well, you just need these three skills: programming, data science, and business knowledge. That's all, you say? Kidding aside, what if you don't have all of those? Perhaps you have never programmed, or it has been many years in a language long ago. Maybe you know about statistics and analytics, but lack the skills to perform those duties. Nothing to fear, my friends. If you desire to work with artificial intelligence, to design intelligent products, you simply need the right partners. Just like any business, having the right partners can make the difference between failure and success. So let's start by talking a bit about the kinds of people who are able to use AI to design intelligent products and services. First, the programmers. These folks will either be statistical programmers or likely have the word data prefixed to their titles, such as data analyst or data processor. Next, the data scientists. This is a relatively new…
