From the course: Design Thinking: Data Intelligence

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Visualizing data intelligence

Visualizing data intelligence

- What happens when the model or data produces a value? Is the output of an algorithm inherently valuable? The answer to both is no. It's all about the delivery of that output. Central to our charter at Frog is improving the human experience through design. Big data is well, big, and everyone is capturing oceans of it in hopes of gaining new insights through intelligence. But how does this make meaningful connections to people? Perhaps Cecilia Aragon, director of the Human Centered Data Science Lab at the University of Washington said it best by posing the question how can we be sure not to lose the compelling and inspiring stories of individuals in the sea of aggregated data at scale? Data science can provide this intelligence, creating new connections to the people whom experience your design. We've been using charts, graphs and visualizations for a long time to tell a story. Perhaps even longer than you'd imagine. In fact, one of the first data visualizations is sunspots over time…
