From the course: Drafting Foundations

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CAD-based lines, shapes, and edits

CAD-based lines, shapes, and edits

From the course: Drafting Foundations

CAD-based lines, shapes, and edits

- As you might expect, we can perform all of the examples we looked at in the previous video on computers as well. I'll use AutoCAD for this demonstration, but you should find similar commands in nearly any CAD program. So let me start with parallel lines. Now, of course, I need a line to start with, so I'll just draw a single line, and I'm just going to make a nice horizontal line there. Now I'm actually going to escape out of the command, and this might be slightly counterintuitive because to make parallel lines in most CAD software, what you actually do, is you just duplicate the existing line that you already have. The best command to do that in AutoCAD is a command called Offset. Now this allows me to indicate the distance that I want to offset, and I'll just put in some number there, and then it'll give me a visual on screen to create that offset parallel line. Now I can keep running the command and create as many parallel copies as I like. Now this will work at any angle, as…
