From the course: Dynamo for Revit Project Setup

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Import Excel data to create sheets

Import Excel data to create sheets - Dynamo Studio Tutorial

From the course: Dynamo for Revit Project Setup

Import Excel data to create sheets

- [Instructor] Until now, we've focused on building our script to generate all of the views that we need to create to begin our Revit project. In this chapter, we'll finish out the Dynamo graph by generating all of the sheets that we specified in our Excel file, and placing the necessary views that we created earlier onto those new sheets. Before we begin, though, let's right click on the Elevations by Scope Box Node and freeze it, so that we don't accidentally create any extra views while we're starting to work with out sheet data like we did at the end of the last chapter. When we're ready to start working with the elevation views again, we'll come back and unfreeze that node. Okay now let's begin working with sheet data. We'll begin with a very familiar step by now, which is bringing in our data from Excel. This time we're interested in pulling in the data from the Sheets worksheet. I'm going to go ahead and copy paste the same collection of nodes that we've been using. Using…
