From the course: Dynamo for Revit Project Setup

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- [Instructor] We've now gone through the process of building a Dynamo workflow that automatically sets up your Revit project file. The next step is to adapt this technique to your office's needs and standards. Before you introduce any major changes to the Dynamo script that we built together during the course, I recommend filling out the Excel file with your own sample information that resembles your company's needs and standards. Then, run the script to see if there are any minor adjustments that you need to make in order to keep the script working properly. After that, you might want to take a shot at adding additional functionality to the script. Maybe you'd like Dynamo to set values of parameters for some of the views and the sheets that it creates. Maybe you'd also like Dynamo to create a series of worksets from a worksheet that you built into the Excel file. Maybe you'd like some way to automatically link other Revit files into your project. What other aspects of your Revit…
