From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Handcraft products

Handcraft products

- You might think in today's day and age that handmade products are out of style, but that couldn't be further from the truth. There are plenty of artisans who still make products by hand and can make a living or at least a profitable side business. Let's talk about the benefits of handcrafting products. If you have a skill at making things you can get started right now. Nothing is easier when you have the tools in your own home. You could build a simple website today and take orders tomorrow. This is also a great way to test to see if a market exists for what you're selling. Make a few items by hand and see if they sell. If they do, then you can look into mass production if you want to go that route. If you're thinking about handcrafting products, you probably already have a special skill and the tools to use that skill. So your startup costs are usually very low and you technically don't even need a website at this…
