From the course: Ecommerce with Facebook and Instagram

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Explore the Facebook Ads Manager for ecommerce

Explore the Facebook Ads Manager for ecommerce

From the course: Ecommerce with Facebook and Instagram

Explore the Facebook Ads Manager for ecommerce

- [Instructor] This is the inside of the Facebook Ads Manager. This is an example of how it will look when you set up your Facebook Ad Campaigns. So there are a few things that you want to keep in mind, and you want to make sure you know how to locate. And the first thing is the Facebook Pixel. So you want to be able to find all tools, it's sandwich button up here for me, and then you want to find events manager. So here you should see your Pixel ID, but also you should be able to find where it says, add events. And it gives you the options to add this Pixel to your website for a new website or from an existing site where the code already is set up. So you can add events or you can add the Pixel to your site. Another thing that you really want to keep in mind is audiences. So again all tools. You can go to audiences, and this is where you can create an audience. So you can go who custom audience, and it gives you an option of the different types of audiences that are available. So you…
