From the course: Electronics Foundations: Basic Circuits

Principles of basic electronic circuits

From the course: Electronics Foundations: Basic Circuits

Principles of basic electronic circuits

- To build any electronic circuit, you'll need some combination of three basic components: resistors, capacitors, and inductors. It's easy to look at an electronic schematic and follow along to assemble a circuit with those parts, but if you want to design your own circuits or debug problems in an existing one, you need to understand what each of those components can actually do. I'm Barron Stone, and I'm an electrical engineer who likes to keep things as simple as possible. In this course, I'll show you how to build basic circuits using resistors, capacitors, and inductors. I'll describe how each component works from a practical standpoint, to understand how they affect electrical properties like voltage and current. And as I show you common circuits that use those components, I'll explain why they're used, so you can recognize when to use the resistor or a capacitor or an inductor in your own design. This course will look at the differences between alternating current and direct current. You'll see how all electrical signals, like the signal that's sending my voice to your speakers right now, they're all just a combination of simple components called sinusoids. I'll show you how to build filter surrogates, so you can modify electrical signals by selectively removing certain parts that make up the signal. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) And since we'll be working with electrical signals, we'll need a way to view them, so I'll show you how to use an oscilloscope, which is one of the most useful tools for working with electronics. If you're ready to start, grab your parts and let's build some circuits.
