From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

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Frequency analysis: It’s all about randomness

Frequency analysis: It’s all about randomness

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

Frequency analysis: It’s all about randomness

- [Instructor] Instead of asking how can we stop attackers? The more appropriate question is how can we increase the difficulty level of a crypto system as to make the attacker question the effort of cracking it in the first place? The security of a crypto system is largely dependent on two factors, the algorithm you select and the length of the key. Earlier we reviewed the desirable qualities of both an algorithm and the key while examining the fundamentals of cryptographic algorithms. Predictability is the enemy of cryptography, and using predictable keys or patterns makes crypto analysis much easier. It may now make sense why we discussed the use of an initialization factor earlier, which was adding a random value to the plain text before it's encrypted. If needed, I advise you to review those sections again as we layer on more concepts to better understand the detailed inner workings of a crypto system. What we'll now focus on is how to increase entropy. Entropy is simply a…
