From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

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Prevention strategies

Prevention strategies

- [Narrator] To prevent cryptoanalytic attacks is essential to have certain things in place as follows. The use of strong encryption and hashing methods. This also includes employing cryptographic salting, or initialization vectors to add more randomness. You probably should think of it as having a secure lock on your front door as your first line of offense against a thief. As we reviewed many algorithms along with their trade-offs, you have several options to choose from, some stronger than others. So select what fits your needs and provide the highest level of security in doing so. Regularly patching and updating your systems is a must to ensure they're not obsolete. These patches often include known vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Next, monitoring for anomalies, it may seem odd to look for signs of an attack as a prevention measure, but detecting odd or an unusual behavior for a given metric based on historical data can be quite useful. Furthermore, the use of…
