From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Geospatial maps (Power Map)

Geospatial maps (Power Map)

- [Lecturer] When it comes to geo-spacial data or building what's called a choropleth map, Excel isn't always the first thing to come to mind. A lot of people instead choose shiner data viz tools like Tableau or other web based options. But the thing is with Excel's new Power Map plugin, geo-spacial analysis is actually really easy and really simple. So in the example I'm going to give you a very very quick demonstration of how to Power Map tool works, just to start to scratch the surface of some of its capabilities. So when it comes to geo-spacial data to idea is that you're trying to visualize any sort of location-based data. That could be locations defined by zip codes, cities, states, countries et cetera. So examples, frequency of accidents by street address, unemployment rate by country, average rainfall by state. All of these examples are location-based and geo-spacial in nature. So pro tips, like I mentioned you can used Excel's Power Map plugin to create geo-spacial…
