From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Creating a LAMBDA function

Creating a LAMBDA function

- [Lecturer] Excel allows us to create intricate formulas by using combinations of built-in worksheet functions and math operations. I'll show you how you can create your own custom functions by using the Lambda function and I will also demonstrate how to turn that Lambda function into a real life custom function. So the formula that finds the answers of this equation for Y equals zero is called the quadratic equation. It gives us the roots of the parabola. I translated the above formula into an Excel Lambda formula. Notice how I mimic the plus minus which is in front of the square root sign by using an array of the numbers one and minus one. If I enter that same formula into a cell in Excel we get the #CALC error. And that is because we have not provided this Lambda function with the A, B and C arguments. One way to provide the Lambda function with its arguments is by placing them in parentheses behind the last closing…
