From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Date and time functions

Date and time functions

- [Instructor] As an engineer, you will have to work with date and timestamped information. That seems simple enough, but the way date and time work in Excel is not always intuitive, especially for engineering data. When analyzing data collected around the clock, combining the date and type data points together in your formulas is necessary. In Excel, this takes a bit of finesse and I'll show you why. Take a look at this workbook that shows defect data from our solar panel line. So suppose we want to know the average number of defect panels for a specific day. Let's assume March 10. We cannot simply average all cells which have a date equal to March 10 because our date column also contains times. So if we use the AVERAGEIFS function, we need to take care to do that in the proper way. For example, so suppose you enter this formula. It really looks good to me. It says the AVERAGEIFS of the number of defect panels where…
