From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Designing a workbook

Designing a workbook

- [Instructor] Looks are important. Design your next spreadsheet with your new colleague in mind. Suppose he's fresh from university with little to no experience using Excel. You want to help your colleague to be successful with your model. Creating easy to use and simple to maintain spreadsheets requires knowledge about how spreadsheet models are used. Let me help you create spreadsheets that are easy to use and simple to maintain. To do this, however, you must understand how spreadsheet models are used. So let me share an important number with you. Research has shown that on average, spreadsheet models are used by about 13 different people. Now step back and think about the last time you opened an Excel workbook. Who did you have in mind when you started entering the first bits of information into the cells? I bet it was you and just you. Now that you know that the average number of people using a spreadsheet model is…
