From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Documenting your work

Documenting your work

- [Instructor] Your colleagues in the engineering department will want to check your calculations. They may want to know things like, does your yield model take the production whole humidity into account? Documenting Excel files is underrated and done far too little. Allow me to show you some strategies to create effective documentation that is also easy to maintain. Help your colleagues find their way in your spreadsheet corn maze. There are different types of documentations. For example, requirements documentation, which describes what your model is for and what it's capable of. This is useful when you're building your model. Technical documentation, which explains details about which algorithms you implemented or which APIs you used. End user documentation informs your user of how you use your spreadsheet model. This is a good place to start sharing limitations of the model. And finally, marketing. If no one…
