From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Excel Solver

Excel Solver

- [Instructor] Imagine you're a chemical engineer in your daily job. Your job isn't done when the process runs smoothly. You want optimum yield, a low defect count and as little byproducts as possible. You may have models which can simulate these kinds of characteristics from your process conditions. Oftentimes however, tuning your process to optimize for one result may cause other results to become worse. Of course you want to find those process settings which give you the best of all worlds. Where is the sweet spot? Excel has a feature for this but it's not a built-in one. It is accessible by activating an add-in which comes with every Excel installation. I'll show you how that is done. To install add-ins, we need to go to the file tab, click on Options and then click on the Add-ins tab. Then we select Excel Add-ins and click Go. Solver is the last one on this list so I'll just check it and click okay to activate it.…
