From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Formula habits

Formula habits

- [Instructor] Engineers do calculations. They design bridges and optimize chemical processes. Luckily, Excel is a huge calculation engine. Engineering comes with serious responsibilities, is your spreadsheet model free of errors? It is a well-known problem that a large percentage of all spreadsheets contain errors. Let me help you make fewer mistakes in your calculations. So let's go to Excel and open our Price List file and I show you some habits to keep and some habits to avoid. Don't refer to entire columns. Let's have a look at this formula here, a VLOOKUP. What is it doing? It's looking up the price that belongs to the SKU that we have here. That price is in the table on the Prices tab. So here's our Prices tab, which contains the table starting with the SKUs here and the production prices here. So let's study the formula. First of all, notice how the formula points to the entire column D of this page. There's no…
