From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Importing sets of files

Importing sets of files

- [Instructor] Remember our solar panel lines? And how those export a daily CSV file with their data. Now suppose you need to report on the results from all production lines and compare them. Does that mean you have to redo those steps that I showed you in the video about importing text files? No, you don't. What Excel offers here is get data from file from folder that allows you to import all CSV files from one folder or maybe get a list of just the Excel files from that folder or import the most recent CSV file from a folder and much more. Let's start simple and import all files from a folder. As a reminder, this is what our CSV files looked like so let's click that from folder button. The first question you get asked is which folder you want to input files from. So I've selected the production data folder which is on my desktop, and I'll click open. If all you need is a list of files, then just click load and you'll get…
