From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Improving data quality with data validation

Improving data quality with data validation - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

Improving data quality with data validation

- [Instructor] Every spreadsheet needs data and often data needs to be entered by the user, but users tend to be creative and Excel is forgiving. It accepts anything you type into that cell. This means we must safeguard our spreadsheets against wrong inputs. Data typed into your workbooks has to be as correct as possible, so to that end, I'll show you the possibilities of data validation to improve data quality. And since every tool has its limitations, I'll also tell you about those. So in Excel, data quality starts with applying validation rules to a cell. The button you can find on the Data tab of the ribbon, and it's right over here, and it's called Data Validation. Click that button. If you open that data validation dialogue, it starts like this. So the first thing we need to do is select what type of data we want to allow, and I'm going to start off with allowing a decimal number. And then, the second thing you…
