From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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String functions

String functions

- [Instructor] As mundane as they may seem, text manipulation functions can be useful even for engineers. Here are some examples of why you would need them. You've created a dashboard and you want to combine some text with formatted numbers, a formula like this one or you've received data where the numbers that you need are embedded in some code like in this part number here where this number 40 is actually the width of a solar panel and a 165 the length. And finally, another example is that your data may have leading or trading spaces which you need to get rid of before you can do the math with your data. So often you have bits of information to string together. And here's a way to do that. The easiest way to add two texts together is by using the ampersand. =A7&B7 gives me =A7&B7 gives me a combination of both names. I suppose, in this example, we need to compile email addresses. And in our corporate system…
