From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Understanding LAMBDA functions

Understanding LAMBDA functions

- [Instructor] Have you ever needed to do simulations on your process involving the thermodynamic properties of water? In that case, you know that these properties can be quite difficult to calculate using built-in Excel formulas. Many engineers refer to writing their own custom functions in a programming language such as VBA or JavaScript. But that isn't for just anyone. Nowadays, Excel does have a way to write your own custom functions without the use of any of the real programming languages. Excel allows you to use its own built-in functions to create a new named function. The function that you need to create a named function is called the LAMBDA function. If you've used the LET function already, LAMBDA may look familiar to you. Here's an example of a LAMBDA function in a formula in its simplest form, =LAMBDA(x,x^2). What does this mean? It tells Excel that the function in question expects one argument, it's going…
