From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Variables explained

Variables explained

- [Instructor] Most engineers like repeatability. They want their process steps to be done each and every time and in the same order. Imagine you have to send out that weekly report of your five solar panel production lines. Every report takes these simple steps. You filter the data for the production line in question, you find your shift manager's email address, you create a new email message, then you copy that chart on sheet three and paste it into your email. You add the filter data table to that same email message, and you send it and that five or maybe even more times. So these steps are tedious, especially if you have to do them every Monday morning which is a busy morning as it is, and it's very easy to forget a step and maybe send your shift manager the wrong data. So you've probably had some basic training and programming. Well at least I did when I studied chemical engineering ages ago, and that means you will…
