From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with charts: Preparing your data

Working with charts: Preparing your data - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

Working with charts: Preparing your data

- [Instructor] If you work in the engineering department, you'll have to create charts regularly. I'm about to save you some headaches, and I'll explain you how to make your Excel charting life a lot easier. I once was an engineer, but to be honest, I never really enjoyed creating charts. Fortunately, a friend of mine, John Peltier, is one of the world's top Excel experts on charting, and he has taught me a lot about creating charts. Much has been written about data quality, and I'll summarize it in the famous words, garbage in is garbage out. So before you even start creating a chart, question your data. Is it from a trustworthy source, does it contain any wrong entries, and are there any measurement failures, like a temperature sensor that's not working normally? Once you're past that step, chart data doesn't need any special formatting, so don't do it regarding thick borders, and shading, and stuff like that. All…
