From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with charts: Staging area

Working with charts: Staging area

- [Instructor] I'm an engineer and like you I love a smooth running process and I love the satisfaction of seeing that yield go up after optimizing a machine. But my boss needs to hear this as well. I need to write that report. My colleague, Joe, he loves the nitty gritty detail. For him, I'll include the numbers, but our boss doesn't have time to read through a table. He wants a quick visual. If you try to combine both goals in one table you're making it hard on yourself. Always leave your data alone and use separate areas in your spreadsheet for reporting purposes. So this is my spreadsheet. It contains a table with just the production results. It mentions the date, the finishing method that we used and the number of defect panels that we had using that finishing method. And here's that production results table for my colleague. Note how I just created a copy of the original data table and then use the subtotal…
