From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Working with dynamic arrays

Working with dynamic arrays

- [Instructor] Engineers often work with heaps of data. Luckily, Excel has some cool functionality to do calculations on an entire set of data in one fell swoop. You might be a seasoned Excel whizz, engineers often are, but bear with me, you may not realize the full power of what I'm about to show you here. So what on earth are dynamic arrays? Well, dynamic means they are, well, dynamic, and array just means a list of information, rows and columns like Excel. So suppose we want to summarize this list of data by date. Now, if we try that, this time and date combination in the first column makes it hard for us. So why not extract just the date from the date and time combination? And as I've already shown you in the date and time video, date and time is not more than just the addition of a fraction of a day to the current date. So to get just the date from a date and time combination, we need the integer part of the number that…
